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Category Archives: 50 Fathoms

Ben – GM
Owen – Harlow Hinde, Masaquani
Mike – Kratos, Kraken
Evil Mike – Ankas, Scurillian
Alex – Reconaki “Green”, Kehana
Steve – Potts, Grael

This week we continued with our “plan” to break Tomas De Orinjo out of the prison at Kiera. To bring you up to speed on where everyone is, here’s a short recap. Evil Mike got himself captured and placed in a cell. Mike and Alex are sneaking in the back way. Alex has since gone back to guard our escape route. (Alex was a no-show this week.) This left Mike to wander alone. Owen and I, accompanied by six crewman from the Valiant along with a lieutenant named Milo, sneak into the prison hidden inside barrels. Let’s see how we are doing…

Evil Mike easily escapes from his cell and begins looking for Tomas. Evil Mike is nearly out of power points and out of Bennies. Still he manages to take out a few passing guards. No luck finding Tomas though.

Mike begins wandering around the rooms of the prison until he’s caught by some guards. Mike easily takes down a few of the guards, but the fighting continues.

Owen and I “sneak” into a tower and immediately run into some guards. During the noisy battle that follows, an officer and 10 more guards appear outside the tower.

Time passes…

Mike finds the remaining guards have more experience and better dice rolls that his character. His character is killed, leaving behind a mound of magic items all bequeathed to Evil Mike.

Shortly after that, Evil Mike makes a new acquaintance with someone who looks like a trustworthy fellow and we ask him to join the party. Evil Mike and the new guy (Mike’s new character) continue to fight their way out of prison, all the while looking for Tomas.

Owen and I are in a pickle. Owen tries to parlay, but with no luck. The Kieran officer has formed up his men and is hell bent on capturing or killing us. I make a d4 Smarts decision and rush the line while intimidating the officer. This works…for six seconds. Then the first row of guards fires their muskets at me. Fortunately my magically enhanced toughness of 15 is enough to get me through it with only a Shaken.

Owen is conflicted. On one hand he knows that my move was completely idiotic and I deserve whatever fate awaits me. On the other hand, he’s Heroic. Meanwhile the men from the Valiant have taken the stairs to the top of the tower. They thinned the guards out a bit with a few shots from their pistols and muskets. Owen finally resolves to help me, and rushes out into the fray. We eventually kill them all except for the cowardly officer who has run inside. I believe that it was Evil Mike and Mike who eventually get him. They also find a very grateful Tomas.

We all gather at the assigned rendezvous spot and escape the prison…but not before Evil Mike loots Mike’s dead character of all of his magic items.

Tomas is very happy to be rescued and gives us the next quarter of the medallion we are searching for.

Note: during the game there were several things of note that people mentioned that I must put in the write-up. If I included any of them, it’s by accident.

Chaos Steve

2014-08-06 17.30.45 2014-08-06 17.31.01 2014-08-06 19.34.18

Ben – GM
Owen – Harlow Hinde, Masaquani
Mike – Kratos, Kraken
Evil Mike – Ankas, Scurillian
Alex – Reconaki “Green” , Kehana
Steve – Potts, Grael

This week we continued our journey to the Kieran Empire. Thanks to the help of our mages (Evil Mike and Mike) we made the journey in record time. “You’ve never heard of the Millennium Dolphin?… It’s the ship that made the Kieran Run in less than twelve parsecs.”

Once in the port city of Kiera we became mired in our search for Tomas De Orinjo, the fire mage. We did sell our cargo hold of wood however for a tidy profit. The captain, Owen, also sold his soul to become a gun runner…but that’s another story.

Eventually we discover that Tomas was accused of burning down a bar and taken to Kiera’s prison. Evil Mike, Mike, and Alex worked out a plan to free the fire mage by approaching the prison from the sea side: they are all aquatic or thereabouts. Evil Mike’s scurillian (giant crab) thief goes first to reconnoiter the area. He’s eventually caught. “All part of the plan.” Could be heard as they led him away to his own private cell. That left Mike and Alex to find their own way in.

In the meantime the captain and I were having dinner with the harbor master. This is where Owen sold his soul. After dinner we headed back to the ship.

Alarms begin to sound as if all hell has broken loose at the prison. At that same time, a boat full of salty sea dogs offer their help to Owen and me in freeing Tomas from the prison.

Check out the pictures of Ben’s prison layout!

Next time we will continue with Evil Mike’s plan. I hope it doesn’t include us getting killed. I hate plans like those.

Chaos Steve

2014-07-23 17.16.51 2014-07-23 17.17.13

Ben – GM
Owen – Harlow Hinde, Masaquani
Mike – Kratos, Kraken
Evil Mike – Ankas, Scurdlian
Alex – Reconaki “Green” , Kehana
Steve – Potts, Grael

The fabled mage Tressa the Red has given us a quest to save the world. Anybody want to say “No.”? In a nutshell, three evil hags have cursed Caribdus by flooding it (eventually) under 50 fathoms of water. Soon all of the world will be like in the movie “Waterworld”. And we don’t want that, now do we?  It’s great if you’re a fish. We’re not fish. We’re…uh, well, we’re not fish. Unless you count Green who looks an awful lot like a fish. Ankas is a crab. He might survive. But on a whole, I’d say saving the world is our best bet. And we are not fish.

To prepare us to be the saviors of Caribdus, Tressa has loaded us up with magical enhancements. Our quest is to find four amulets that when placed together makes a magic item so powerful it might just defeat the hags. And yes, we expect to wield supreme power just ’cause some watery tart threw some magic at us.

Back on board The Millennium Dolphin (our frigate) we decide to head to Victtoria to make repairs on the ship. Then we’ll head to Keria to look up a fire mage of some renown.

We find that Victtoria is a decrepit hive of thieves and villainy. We seem to fit right in. On the trip there, Potts’ chest of pieces of eight becomes property of the ship. (Not that Potts really cares.) We spend 100s on harbor fees, 350s on ship repairs, 200s for the crew to go carousing, and there’s an entry of 10s for Evil Mike’s silk crab pants—whatever that means.

While taking in the sights of Victtoria, two sub-plots reveal themselves. (This takes about 2 hours of game time. 1:58 minutes of it in the bizarre doing…well, I’m not sure we actually did anything.) But back to the sub-plots. One is to rescue a princess who has been abducted by slavers. The other is to rescue some old guy who may or may not have access to items that may or may not be magical in nature. We go after the girl first. (Duh.) She’s at a heavily guarded compound.

Now things get a little fuzzy…

Somehow we realize that breaking into a building across the street from the compound is a good idea. There may be tunnels leading under the compound. (I don’t know why we think that.) I think the crab actually breaks in. He immediately starts looking for magic items. Somehow guards get wind of us breaking in and there’s a fight. We fight our way down to some tunnels. We come upon more guards and a huge red man with an even bigger sword. We best them of course and are ready to continue on…next time.

I’m sure I missed a few things. What part of “fuzzy” didn’t you understand?

And who is Mr. Tinkles (from the title)? Why that’s the name given to Kratos’ cat form (by Ben).

PS: I got an extra XP for being awesome. 

Chaos Steve

2014-05-28 20.54.56