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Category Archives: Savage Worlds Games

Cast of Characters

The Heroes

Boss Fade: Mike Byrd
Emo: Steve Todd
Jan Janson: Ben Hodgson
Nolan Brilliant: Alex McNeal
Trigger: Owen Harrison

Important NPCs

Col. Jaegar: JC701 Commander
Fang: Smuggler Extraordinaire and Owner of Fangtasia
Tennor Blackfinch: Leader of the Orion Pirates
Commander Harkness: Leader of the Keshig Pirates

JC701: Season 4: Fang’s Regret

Our heroes return to JC701 in time to help prepare for the Keshig Pirate attack. The JumpCorp fleet arrives and the station is upgraded to provide significant additional defenses.

The Pirates surround the station and all hell breaks loose! It’s the JumpCorp Fleet vs the Keshig Pirate Fleet. The plan is simple, send Jan Janson out in a ship to cause confusion and jam up the Pirate communications with his jibbering nonsense, provide a soft middle for the Pirates to attack, then hit them hard from the sides.

At first all seemed to be working ok (well JumpCorp lost 2 to 1), but then the Keshig Commander (Command Hollings) absolutely crushed the Jump Corp Fleet taking out 2 more and not giving up any on the Keshig side. The JumpCorp fleet decided a strategic retreat abandoning the station and reinforcing their stand in the next system was better.

Meanwhile Jaeger sent the heroes on a desperate mission to use the Hypergate to go to the Keshig Pirates core system and find something to help JumpCorp defeat this vast enemy!

The crew managed to break through enemy lines and after shooting down one of the chasing fighters, they escaped the other two and made it through the Hypergate.

Now in the Keshig pirates core system, they managed to avoid detection as the pirates weren’t expecting any enemies to be able to use the gates, and JCS Opportunity was able to land on one of the planets that was least populated, near a station where they hope to be able to tap into the Keshig Pirate network and gain some intelligence useful to JumpCorp.

Cast of Characters

The Heroes

Boss Fade: Mike Byrd
Emo: Steve Todd
Jan Janson: Ben Hodgson
Nolan Brilliant: Alex McNeal
Trigger: Owen Harrison

Important NPCs

Col. Jaegar: JC701 Commander
Fang: Smuggler Extraordinaire and Owner of Fangtasia
Tennor Blackfinch: Leader of the Orion Pirates
Commander Harkness: Leader of the Keshig Pirates

JC701: Season 4: Fang’s Regret

With Emo and Trigger joining Boss Fade and Jan to search the park for the missing Tennor Blackfinch, it seems like a simple matter to track him down. Not so. These particular heroes are rather unorthodox in their pursuit.

When Tracking Tennor (using Survival) fails, they decide to do a bit of Networking. They canvas the park, talking with visotors to find any information on the missing wounded pirate. Emo and Trigger have no luck at all, but Jan, after promising to make a guest appearance at a woman’s six year old boy’s birthday party in a few months, was able to find a general location. Boss Fade had much better luck and was able to get a detailed description of where to go and that Tennor was in some sort of anti-grav sled and being escorted by some construction workers to a new museum being built in the park, dedicated to the Miners who first settled this area of space and had to fight off Rigelian attacks for years before the war ended the practice just a year ago.

The crew took a cautiuos approach to the museum and after hours of delays, one of the Orion pirates just walked out and invited them in. Inside a secret base underneath the museum, Tennor explained that he has little smuggling operations throughout the system and then, calling Fang into the room, filled them in on what had been happening over the last couple of years.

The Keshig pirates are from systems that are vastly outside of JumpCorp known space. So far, that is should have taken decades, if not, centuries for them to arrive with any numbers in this area. However, nearly a year ago, Fang had auctioned off some alien technology that no one was able to figure out, but as it turned out, the buyers were agents of the Keshig pirates and were able to construct hyper-gates. These gates allowed Commander Harkness and her technologically advanced troops to infiltrate JumpCorp space so quickly that no one was even aware of it.

That is until Fang had a pang of regret, letting Tennor know what he had found…and once the fighting started in the Orion Pirates systems, the word got out that Fang had not sold all the technology, that in fact, he had a master key to the gates that would allow him to use any of them without restriction. He was quickly targeted by the Keshig Pirates.

The crew realised that they now not only needed to get the power armor to JumpCorp R&D but also the hyper-gate master key! They quickly made a plan to infiltrate the port, release the docking clamps on their ship and make a run for the key and then back to JC701. The plan worked pretty well, and once they got back to communications range, they found that the Keshig Pirates had started their attack on JumpCorp systems and Jaeger needed them back at the station ASAP to devise their attack strategy as JumpCorp already had a fleet on the way!

JC701: Season 4: Fang’s Regret

Cast of Characters

The Heroes

Boss Fade: Mike Byrd
Emo: Steve Todd
Jan Janson: Ben Hodgson
Nolan Brilliant: Alex McNeal
Trigger: Owen Harrison

Important NPCs

Col. Jaegar: JC701 Commander
Fang: Smuggler Extraordinaire and Owner of Fangtasia
Tennor Blackfinch: Leader of the Orion Pirates
Commander Harkness: Leader of the Keshig Pirates

Our heroes arrive in the Lummoits system, the closest JumpCorp system with a hospital, relative to Tennor’s space station. They burn a ton of extra fuel to get there, but they arrive in time to get him to the facility.

While at the port facility, all seems to be going well for Trigger, Nolan, and Emo, until Nolan notices that the station techs who are preparing to refuel and resupply their ship, seem to be making careful recordings and notes…much more so than is customary…or required. Trigger and Emo try to convince them to leave…Emo leaning toward using his famously illegal plasma gun, until Nolan throws a smoke grenade in his quarters and sounds the alarm that the ship has a chemical quarantine needed. This does get everyone off the ship, but also put the port in lockdown and no ships can leave or dock.

Meanwhile at the hospital, Boss Fade and Jan Jansen have gotten Tennor into surgery and are waiting to see if the docs can save him. Boss Fade notices that the nurses seem to be watching one particular person furtively. He does a check and discovers two things. First, several of the staff at the hospital are known associates of Tennor Blackfinch. And second, this suspicious guy is not listed as a member of staff. Boss confronts the guy and he takes a nurse as hostage. Boss is able to subdue him and Jan arrives later to pick up his weapon. Upon searching the surgery and the rooms, they discover that Tennor is no longer in the hospital. Security cameras picked up some movement on the paths out back of the hospital that lead to a large city park. Even though Jan was sure there was nothing suspicious in the surgery they do find a hidden exit leading out back.

JC701: Season 4: Fang’s Regret

Cast of Characters

The Heroes

Boss Fade: Mike Byrd
Emo: Steve Todd
Jan Janson: Ben Hodgson
Nolan Brilliant: Alex McNeal
Trigger: Owen Harrison

Important NPCs

Col. Jaegar: JC701 Commander
Fang: Smuggler Extraordinaire and Owner of Fangtasia
Tennor Blackfinch: Leader of the Orion Pirates
Commander Harkness: Leader of the Keshig Pirates

After the events in the prologue, our intrepid heroes (Boss Fade, Emo, Jan Janson, Nolan Brilliant and Trigger) mobilize to find out what happened to Fang. After much investigation (now Research) and Streetwise (now Networking) the team discovers that Fang’s right hand woman, Cynthia, betrayed his scheme to trade some high tech device to the Orion Pirates to some unknown person. This person left the station. Soon after, Fang left as well, leaving Cynthia in charge of Fangtasia while he supposedly returned home.

The heroes know that Fang was found on a planet just inside one of the Orion Pirates’ controlled systems and that Fang was dealing with the pirates so they decided to pay Tennor Blackfinch a call….that’s when things went pear shaped.

When they got to Tennor’s station they noticed all systems were down and there were only a few life signs detected. They docked and began searching the station, and soon discovered many dead pirates…and two men in some kind of Power Armor. Technology not seen in JumpCorp space before!

After a long battle with the two strangers, the team was able to capture a relatively undamaged suit of Power Armor to send back to JumpCorp R&D. They also found a near death Tennor Blackfinch. Determining that his injuries were beyond the skills of Jan Jansen and the limited med bay aboard their ship, they left for the nearest system with a hospital at fastest speed.

JC701: Season 4: Fang’s Regret

Bodyguard Brigade on patrol along the Orion Pirate sector, got a distress beacon from a JumpCorp transponder, but not sending an identifying code from a ship or person. The signal was coming from an area normally associated with Trevor Blackfinch. They go to investigate and are attacked by 2 fighters. They destroy one, and the other runs off but not before sending out a signal.

They scan the planet and see a dropship and signs of wreckage. They go down and are warned off by the dropship. They determine it belongs to a relatively unknown pirate faction from the other side of the sector. Very strange for it to be here. They fly off and then approach stealthily from the other side of the planet, landing the ship just outside sensor range and hike in from there.

They engage the pirates in a shootout, taking down most pretty quickly before a pirate in a Powered Armor Suit (something they’ve never seen before) comes out. Also, some pirates get about the dropship and start shooting them. Eventually they take out the guy in the armor and the dropship leaves.

They find the wreckage belongs to a cat people craft and there is a message on a coded line from Fang to Emo and the JC701 crew…he’s calling in his favors, he wants them to come rescue him from these new pirates!

Crew (PCs)

Pilot: Trigger (Owen – Serran)
Science Officer and Second in Command of JC701: Emo (Steve – Deader)
Medical Officer: Ssanjan “Sam” (Ben – Saurian)
Engineer: Nolan Brilliant (Alex – Human) – Not appearing
New Security Officer: Boss Fayde (Mike B – Human)

Prologue: The Razor

Nolan fades in and out of consciousness. The last 24 hours are just a blur in his mind. He left with a group of pilgrims to find out what the Rigellians were up to on Amasses IV. They were attacked…or did they start the attack? Either way, he was knocked unconscious.

Just then, two Rigellians grab him and another pilgrim…Jonathon maybe? They take them nearby room and strap them to chairs. In their click clack language they ask a question, and almost before the translator finishes, a large claw swings out and strikes Nolan’s head. “Who is the One? What planet is he on?” Jonathon cries out, “I don’t know. I only know he’s from a highly advanced and electronic paradise!” Then it goes dark again.

Scene 1: The Opportunity

Incoming message from Colonel Jaeger:

“JCS Opportunity crew, it is with great regret that I must inform you of a catastrophic accident on Amassus IV, a Rigellian planet near your current location. The accident resulted in the deaths of all Rigellians, around thirty pilgrims, and four of JumpCorp’s best personnel, Captain Hugh Jass, Private Kaz, retiree “The Baron”, and our only Rigellian JumpCorp officer, Bugsy. According to sources, Bugsy sacrificed himself to save the planet, but unfortunately failed. As you can imagine, details are sketchy.

Although I’m sure you are all stunned and grieving at this news, I have another urgent assignment for you before you return to the station for disciplinary action. Our very own Nathan Brilliant was among the pilgrims detained prior to the explosion of Amassus IV. He was being held aboard the Razor, a Rigellian ship commanded by Captain Steveador van Bugsberg, a member of the Rigellian Alliance. While en route to JC-701 to turn over the detainees, the Razor was attacked and boarded by Rigellian Coalition forces.

It is urgent that Captain van Bugsberg, his crew, any pilgrims and our own Nathan Brilliant be rescued. Per our revised treaty with the Rigellians, any force necessary against Rigellian Coalition forces to rescue JumpCorp citizens is sanctioned. Any Alliance forces should be treated with respect and courtesy as they were acting in good faith to rescue our people. Emo, I’m giving you and your people wide latitude here. It is urgent that Nathan Brilliant be returned. Jaeger out.”

The crew scanned the system and found the location of The Razor and headed for it, making it in three hours.

Scene 2: The Razor

Captain Van Bugsberg is in the cell next to Nathan. A service bot comes in to drop off food and drink to the prisoners. “If only I had access to my service crew, I could reprogram that VI robot to slow this ship down and give us some time to take back my ship.”

Nolan figured even in his weakened state, he could probably disable the damaged robot, and successfully took it down. He then reprogrammed it to shut down the engines of The Razor.

Scene 3: The Opportunity

The Opportunity caught up to the disabled Razor and immediately targeted their weapon systems and took them offline. The Razor was already heavily damaged from the initial attack by the Coalition forces. The crew then bypassed the external air lock doors where Sam was immediately blasted by an automated gun turret. The Coalition Rigellians and the Opportunity crew fought it out with guns blazing while Nolan had the service bot release him and some of the Pilgrims, along with Capt. Van Bugsberg where they took over the security area.

Sam dropped a frag grenade (heroically?) and took out two Rigellians, the automated gun, half the internal decking and almost took himself out too! The Coalition captain tried to kill Bugsberg and failed, then Sam offered him surrender in another language, which the translator communicated to the Coalition captain. The captain accepted the surrender, and Sam then shot him. The captain didn’t die, however, and instead determined that his only choice was to fight to the death and so tragically, he did so. No valuable intelligence would be gathered from that key Coalition resource.

Once all the fighting was over, Van Bugsberg asked to be patched through to the Rigellian ambassador back on JC701, but the ambassador was actually on the Opportunity. He did not want Van Bugsberg to know he was there, though, so Nolan rigged communications to look like it was coming from the station. Unfortunately, it was patently obvious that it was coming from the Opportunity and Van Bugsberg demanded a face to face with the ambassador.

Van Bugsberg essentially accused the ambassador with being involved in his nephew’s death (which the ambassador denied) and said he’d be looking into the situation and if he found the ambassador was involved, would do everything in his power to make him pay for it.

The Razor and The Opportunity then flew off together to JC-701 for repairs on The Razor and the “Trial of the Century”.

The Dwarves

Herheth Frostshaper – Shawn
Fuvuli Cragjaw – Lee
Grufac Wraithgut – Thomas (Templeton)
Broulad Nightbringer – Ben (Templeton)
Grurhol Bluntshield – Not present

“Come young Undwar”, said the ancient dwarf. “Let me tell you the story of how Grong Karag was restored to the dwarves. It is a tale of caution and courage, of bravery and cowardice.”

“But first, how did we lose Grong Karag, you may ask. Well that is a story of avarice and vainglory. Thousands of years ago, the grand King Tanorm Moonheart, ruled over the most successful generation of dwarves in history. They were so industrious that it was said there was nothing the earth could hide from them.

King Moonheart, bragged far and wide of his dwarves’ skills. The Elves warned him of the dangers of tunneling too deep. That there are dark, evil, things deep in the earth. But King Moonheart was obsessed with digging deeper and deeper. Until he entered a demonic domain.

Once awakened, the demon Ashtaroth called upon his powers to pervert natural creatures and use them to attack the dwarves. Some say he even animated the bones of the dead to aid in the battle. King Moonheart and fully three quarters of the dwarven inhabitants perished.

Centuries later, a small group of dwarves decided to enter the halls of Grong Karag, to see what was left of their heritage and thus started the Battle for Grong Karag!”

The four young dwarves entered The Golden Anvil per their usual practice. Whilst looking for a table, they overhear that a patron in the corner is looking to engage a party for some secret mission. Fuvuli also hears stories of some strange disease that has infected some humans in one of their towns. The humans have been killing off the infected. A wise precaution Fuvoli thinks.

The strange man in the corner offers them each a chance to hold a jewel. Three of the dwarves do not notice anything special, but when Herheth touches the jewel, it speaks to him! The jewel says it’s name is Ataraxia and it tells the story of how it was once embedded in King Moonheart’s famed magical battle axe. It says that the King yet lives along with a thousand of his warriors, trapped deep beneath the deserted dwarven city. Ataraxia says it can feel that Herheth and his cohorts are exactly the right group to reach the King and release him.

The dwarves quickly agree and start out that day for the city. They find the entrance where the words “Only ye of dwarven blood may enter” on the door, which also has a face carved into it. After some unsuccessful attempts (including tripping a secret trap that informs all in the city that there are visitors at the door), Broulad suggests they put a hand in the door’s mouth, which he bravely does. And gets bit! The door, then speaks, “Ah yes, dwarven blood! You may enter!” At which point, the door releases Broulad’s hand and swings open.

The dwarves then see a statue of King Moonheart in the entry room and they notice right away that he is carrying an axe and the likeness of Ataraxia, is clearly visible in the carving.

In the next room, they are set upon by giant toads in the grand hall! Following that, they are attacked by spiders in the throne room! After choosing a door from the throne room with Ataraxia’s help, they are set upon by a large Cyclopean skeleton that raises some other skeletons from the bones around them. Meanwhile, Ataraxia warns them that water is filling the dungeon behind them. They kill off the skeletons just in time to get down the stairs to the next level as the water pours through the spiraling stairwell hole to land deep, deep in the inky darkness!

Hugh Jass – Human Captain – Alex
Bugsy – Rigellian JumpCorp Pilot – Steve
Kaz – Saurian Security Officer (actually a Pirate trying to go straight) – Dave
The Baron – Human Science Officer coming out of retirement – Norm

The backup officers on JC-701 are pulled into a meeting with Col Jaeger who is discussing an issue with the Holy Binary Dominic Newland. The Binary explains that an extremist faction of Pilgrims that have been attacking into Rigellian space have bitten off more than they can handle. The Rigellian Ambassador explains that he has pulled all the Alliance people off the planet, but coalition forces have remained and will likely resist the Pilgrims. Col Jaeger orders the crew to retrieve the pilgrims and only engage the coalition forces of Rigellia.

“Bugsy” flew the vessel on the scenic route to Amassus IV where they find a fight in progress near the planet. Captain Jass convinces the Rigellian captain, Steveodore Von Bugsberg (a distant relative of Bugsy), to leave the area. As soon as they do, the pilgrims land on the planet despite the Captain’s orders to stand down and surrender. The crew follows them to the surface where they find several wrecked ships.

“Bugsy” and Kaz head over to disable the pilgrim’s ship. That doesn’t go well. The pilgrims blast “Bugsy” for being Rigellian as Kaz attempts to get them to surrender. Kaz blasts a couple pilgrims and takes two pilots prisoner. Captain Jass and Baron join them to search the vessel. Kaz finds the pilgrims’ documents with their conclusions based on circumstantial evidence that the Rigellians are doing something nefarious on Amassus IV. Apparently, there is an underground facility on the planet that has more to it than meets the eye.

Captain Jass leads the team to the facility to check things out. They find pilgrims and Rigellians locked in another battle. After blasting a few Rigellians and take the pilgrims prisoner, the Baron discovers a secret entrance to a subterranean chamber. Down in the chamber, they discover a Rigellian hatchery.

Flashback: Unbeknownst to the rest of the team, the Rigellian Ambassador contacts “Bugsy” and tells him that the planet they are going to is a Rigellian hatchery that has been disguised as a refining planet. “As you know, our particular mode of reproducing can be disturbing to the races that we use as hosts for the larvae. Even though we no longer use JumpCorp citizens as hosts, the images of humanoids and other sentient beings hosting larvae will not make peace with JumpCorp easy. Since you, as I, are highly vested in peace with our neighbors, I need you to find the device I left in your quarters. If, and only if, your crew happens to find the hatchery, you need to use the device to erase their minds. It’s the only way to ensure peace.”

Current Time: The hatchery guards tell Captain Jass that if he and the crew leave now they will not be harmed, but if they attempt to continue into the hatchery, they guards will resist to the end. Bugsy also tells the crew that there is no reason to stay here, after all they’ve got the pilgrims, which is what they were after. Kaz is in agreement, but Captain Jass and the Baron insist on pushing in and just as a fight is about to erupt, “Bugsy” pushes the button. The planet goes into lockdown and the Ambassador’s voice comes over the device, “I’m sorry Bugsy, there is no such thing as a device that can erase minds. You will be honored by Rigellians everywhere for your sacrifice.” And the planet explodes as the reactor goes critical.


Gabriela Al-Alaq (Ghoul) – Evil Mike
Rizzo (Ratling) – Mike Byrd
Salim Durka-Durka (Kleshite) – Ben
Tarik (Human from Lankhmar) – Owen

Game 4 (15 XP) – Death to Zanzibar

I forgot to write up what happened, but I do remember there was a clever plan from Gabriela to kill Zanzibar in a graveyard in a Pirate town called Safe Harbor. It worked!

Game 5 (20 XP) – We flee…a lot.

Pirate’s Guild states Gabriela can join the Pirate’s council after a month on probation, proving her worth.

We took Zanzibar’s ship “The Antiqam” (“revenge” in Arabic) back to Lankhmar and were set upon by the Black Opal and 3 other ships. Rather than fight it out at 4 to 1 odds, we fled and just escaped into darkness and fog among some islands.

After slipping away, Captain Gabriela The Red (as she is now wearing Zanzibar’s iconic red cloak and hat) was attacked by a crew member looking to move up in the ranks. Her loyal friends defended her with Rizzo giving the killing stroke with a formidable magical bolt! Gabriela hung the slain man from the yard arm for all to see what happens to those who oppose her!

After getting back to Lankhmar, we find out our house was taken over by Hringorl. Later we “learned” (from a critical failure at streetwise) that Hringorl has women enslaved, ghouls bound in his basement, he’s a cannibal, and he’s killed his mother. So we decide this villain must go!  And we want our house back!

Sneaking into the mansion (the fool had not had time to change the locks so our keys worked perfectly), Durka-Durka failed his stealth roll. Should he Benny it? He decides no. Idiot. On cue, when he goes into the hallway, the guards are waiting for him!

Gabriela discovers the courtyard is filled with an 8′ giant, 2 ghouls, a rattling, and a couple of guards.  While fighting the 8′ giant, our damage was pathetic! We had all 1’s or majority 1’s on every attack. Every single time! Everyone moved No Mercy up on their list of advancements.

The Rattling in the courtyard turned out to be a mighty mage! She nearly killed Gabriella with a devastating attack on the door in front of her.

Durka-Durka was incapacitated by the Giant and the rest of us all ran away abandoning the fool that would not spend a Benny on a stealth roll. It was our first rousing defeat, and with careful planning for our revenge, it will be the LAST!

Crew (PCs)

Pilot: Trigger (Owen – Serran)
Science Officer and Second in Command of JC701: Emo (Steve – Deader)
Medical Officer: Ssanjan “Sam” (Ben – Saurian)
Engineer: Nolan Brilliant (Alex – Human) – Not appearing
New Security Officer: Boss Fayde (Mike B – Human)
Sniper: Zap (Ron – Saurian)
Heavy Hitter: Rico (Jim – Aurax)

Others (NPCs)

Colonel Jaeger (Kalian), Charter Head for Space Station JC701
Tovrin Cable (Human), President of the Omicron Colonies
Dr. Steven Ward (Human), JC701 Chief Medical Officer
Zhi Fang (Tazanian), Head of JC701 Merchants Association, Owner of Fangtasia
Dominic Newland (Serran), Prophet of the Techno-God
Martain Capella (Rigellian), Ambassador of the Rigellian Empire
Tennor Blackfinch (Saurian), Oneiades Pirate and Spaceport Owner

The station has been very active since the discovery of the treachery on Eden. Col. Jaeger calls them all in for a debriefing of the events on Eden. Patch is there to give the briefing, but it is mostly inaccurate. She is left to think that Patch must have suffered some brain damage during the events.

After his description, The Holy Binary is brought in to the briefing room. “Holy Binary, your assistance was very helpful in the last mission. I hear you have something new for us?”

“The HUB is disturbed by the actions of the Rigellians against us. In order to support JumpCorp in protecting the innocent Pilgrims, I am happy to share these improved, more reliable cybertech modules.”

He hands out more advanced tech. Boss Fayde and Sam took the Skill Upgrade tech, Rico and Trigger took the Autodoc tech, Emo took the Attribute Upgrade tech and Zap took the Combat Edge tech.

“Thank you, Holy Binary, as always I’ll see you in church on Sunday.” Jaeger says and shows him out.

Just then, Dr. Ward comes in with the Rigellian Ambassador. Although it’s hard to tell, the ambassador has clearly been attacked and suffered several grievous wounds. Dr. Ward says his patient insisted on seeing the Col. Immediately. The ambassador describes how he has been receiving death threats, how Pilgrims have been picketing his quarters and finally this morning he was attacked by masked humans. He could not tell if they were Pilgrims or not.

In addition, the Rigellian Alliance, the de facto government that is attempting to make peace with its neighbors and which he is a representative, has risked their political futures by warning them about the Eden trap. The Alliance is concerned that the Rigellian Cooperative, a powerful organization of slavers, are growing stronger due to attacks from the miners and now some of the Pilgrims have been attacking into Rigellian territory as well.

Col. Jaeger immediately calls for a lockdown on the station. No ships in or out until the assailants are identified and captured. In addition, she assigns Emo to make sure the ambassador is protected. The ambassador states that he is afraid for his life and more, that the sacrifices his government made to save the Pilgrims will cause a civil war, forcing Rigellians to choose between the Cooperative and the Alliance.

After the meeting, Boss Fayde runs an investigation to see if he can identify the assailant. Sam goes to Fangtasia to drink and work the crowd for any clues, and Emo assigns Trigger, Zap and Rico to security on the Ambassador.

Allison von Stellar meets Sam at Fangtasia and tells him she has heard of his reputation for doing his own thing and not being a JumpCorp company man. She tells him that her father is demanding that she return home. But she wants to stay in this sector with the HUB. She feels that her calling is to help usher in the One and she along with the other Pilgrims think that will happen here. She needs to get off station before her father’s handpicked JumpCorp crew can capture her and forcibly return her to him. But with the lockdown on station she needs help getting away. She asks him to not let anybody else know.

Separately, Ambassador Capella asks Emo to get him past the lockdown because he does not feel safe on the station. He wants to go to one of the moons just inside the Rigellian space where the Alliance has a base where he will be safe until the situation on JC-701 is settled. He asks that they not let anybody else know.

Unfortunately for Sam, he ran into trouble sneaking Allison off the station. Boss Fayde spots him sabotaging the systems to get her off the station and promptly arrests him, but too late to stop her escape.

Col. Jaeger calls them in for a briefing. When they enter her office, JumpCorp CEO Hans von Steller is on the screen. He is playing a transmission he received.

“Mr. von Steller, my name is Ankhar Shtang, and I am the head of the Rigellian Cooperative. I do not recognize your treaty with the Rigellian Alliance and I can assure you, your people in this sector will be working for me. I will not rest until the human scum are all subject to my whip! Anyone, be it humanoid or Rigellian, like that Ambassador, that tries to stand in my way will be destroyed. And understand, I will take great pleasure in recapturing your daughter and showing you just what these claws can do!”

The transmission ends, and van Steller looks at Jaeger, “Col. Jaeger, let me make myself very clear. Find my daughter and return her to me. I want that Rigellian scum of an ambassador in your brig. We are about to embark on an all-out war with the Rigellians!”

“Sir we have no reason to attack all Rigellians. The ambassador and his government…”

“ARE USELESS!” von Steller interrupts.

Just then, an urgent message comes in from Tennor Blackfinch stating that he is under attack by Rigellian’s just inside the Rigellian border. He fears for the safety of his passengers. “What passengers, Jaeger shouts.”

“Why the ambassador and Allison von Steller,” he replies just as the transmission is abruptly ended.

Jaeger sends the crew (even the prisoner Sam) to rescue them in the JCS Opportunity. When they arrive, three of Tennor’s ships are being attacked by three Rigellian ships. Tennor’s ship is being boarded. The crew take a shuttle over to Tennor’s ship to help.

The crew does not attempt to contact Tennor so when they attempt to enter the ship, they have to hack the doors to get in. Also, Tennor is not expecting them, so no one gives them an operational update. Trigger stays on Opportunity to keep the other Rigellian ships occupied and even manages to destroy one of them.

The crew on Tennor’s ship narrowly miss recapturing Allison and the ambassador as the Rigellian ship escapes to a nearby moon. The crew return to Opportunity to chase them down.

After landing they enter a subterranean chamber that Rico recollects looks a lot like the chamber below the temple on Eden. This appears to be a standard design of Rigellian buildings.

They fight their way to the chamber where the Ankhar is attempting a negotiation with Hans von Stellar. Meanwhile he has a large contingent of Bone spiders and Rigellians waiting for the Opportunity crew. After showing his seemingly in depth knowledge of the goings on of JC701, the crew manages to wound him and kill his bodyguards. He attempts to kill Allison before escaping but the ambassador sacrifices himself to block the blow (and luckily does not get killed). Ankhar escapes but Allison and the ambassador are saved.

The crew is now writing status reports back to Col. Jaeger where she will determine the consequences of Sam and Emo’s actions.